The Next New Thing   2 comments

If I had the ability to create the next new thing, I would create something in train systems that allows subway riders to read the newspaper without touching the physical entity.  We all know that during rush hours, getting a seat on the train can be a drag and because of that, it would be hard to get in your morning newspaper fix while going to work or school.  On subway systems, there are often times advertisements that just seem pointless and a waste of space.  Why not take that space and create it into a computerized and automated newspaper.  It would have pictures of the most current events and underneath the pictures it would have subtitles of the top articles of the day.  What better way to enjoy your train ride while catching up with current events?

Posted May 5, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

Our Class Wiki – So Far   Leave a comment

Although I have not added any content to our class wiki yet, I have done some research on new media and dating.  I researched about popular online dating sites such as, LavaLife, eHarmony, etc.  I intend on doing some further research about the pros and cons of online dating.

Posted April 28, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

P2P File Sharing   Leave a comment

File sharing is the act of distributing digital information such as music, documents, pictures, etc.  P2P File Sharing, or Peer-to-Peer File Sharing is one of the many types of file sharing, which is when one person “shares” their files with a whole network of other users, allowing anyone to access and.  Usually, people use P2P file sharing to download some of their favorite movies, songs, etc.  One of the most popular ways people use P2P file sharing is BitTorrent.  According to Chris Nuttall of the Financial Times, BitTorrent breaks down large files into parts, which would usually be movies, allowing users to download movies at a faster rate.  In fact, the more users who download a certain movie, the faster the speed gets because everyone who is downloading it at the same time is sharing the speed.

Posted April 28, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

Privacy & Confidentiality   Leave a comment

The usage of new media has almost become the passage way to invading someone’s privacy.  With today’s usage of new media, people make YouTube videos, Facebook pages, Twitter tweets, and other new media, all about themselves.  With YouTube videos, many users upload what is called a Vlog (video blog), which gives users the opportunity to talk about themselves and their lives.  Although most users will choose not to reveal specifics, little pieces of information in each video can be connected to find out one big piece of information.  The same goes for Twitter tweets and Facebook.  These sources of new media allows us to be vulnerable to sexual predators, identity thefts, etc.  There is so much personal information on these sites that we expose to the internet world.

Posted April 14, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

Advice to Baruch College   Leave a comment

If Baruch College hired me to help them improve the school using new media, I would suggest doing a few of the following things.  One of them would be to make use of YouTube.  I feel like our generation is more into the visual representations of things, which is why I feel like Baruch College should take advantage of YoutTube.  Every week, Baruch College sends students emails from the Student Life Office about the different events occuring.  Personally, although I am interested in the events our school is having, I do not have the patience to read through the entire email, so often times I just ignore the email.  If Baruch College were to use YouTube to make weekly update videos, I think the student body would be more likely to watch the videos and attend these events.

Another way Baruch College can take advantage of new media is through the use of Twitter.  As a student juggling many responsibilities at a time, as most students at Baruch, I find that I often forget some of the small things that Baruch has to offer.  Through the use of Twitter, Baruch can update their students with ‘tweets.’  With Twitter, something that people check often, it will act as a reminder/calendar of events or reminders!

Posted April 14, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

About My Term Research Paper   1 comment

My Term Research Paper was about the privacy, or lack thereof, of social networking sites.  I researched about the risks and dangers that users face in using social networking sites because of the information they expose to the public.  I chose this topic because I feel our generation is SO into stage of social networking, that we lose sight of something else is important: our privacy.  Another reason I chose this topic is because of how potential employers now screen their candidates, which might hinder that job offer.  As college students, soon to leave college and into the working rule, it is imperative to learn about what employers can potentially do and research about you that might prevent us from getting that job.

Posted April 7, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

Creativity and New Media   1 comment

I decided to create a SecondLife account.  After all these articles we have been reading about the virtual world, I thought it was about time that I actually try it out, instead of solely reading about it.  Here are a few snapshots of my secondlife:

This is Morphe, the land where I get to be queen of my very own castle!

The above picture is me in New York City.

In the SecondLife, you can virtually be anywhere, everywhere, in a span of seconds. Wherever you go, the program is always playing music, specific to to the theme of the location you are in.  You can do a variety on things such as buy clothes, listen to music, interact with people, etc.

Posted March 31, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

Creativity   Leave a comment

As most of you guys may or may not know, many companies use Twitter to get feedback from their consumers. They use this feedback to better their product or service to better serve their customers’ needs.  LIke these companies, Twitter also takes advantage and uses their users’ comments to upgrade their services.

Claire Cain Miller wrote in a New York Times Article, “Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers,” about exactly what the title claims – followers have now become part of the design team! Twitter, “rely on user-generated innovation more than any other company.”  Many of the options that you can use with Twitter were in fact created by Twitter users.  For example, the # sign used to group conversations together about one topic was created by a user named, Chris Messina, in 2007.  Lists and retweets are also tools that were user-generated ideas!

With new media, it makes it a lot easier for companies to be creative with their work and take it to the next level.  Who would have ever thought 10 years ago that regular people can take a role in helping new media.  Who knows, any of you guys can be the next innovator for a new twitter function!

Posted March 31, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds   1 comment

In Mark Tutton’s CNN article called, “Going to the Virtual in Second Life,” he talks about how many companies today are beginning to use virtual worlds as a cheaper alternative for meetings.  It cuts down the traveling costs because by holding meetings in these virtual worlds, it allows employees to come together without a single airplane ticket.  The Second Life Enterprise tool not only allows people to gather together for conferences, but provides virtual environments to socialize.

The New York Times’ article, “I’ve Been In That Club, Just Not in Real Life”  introduces a virtual social network, called Virtual Lower East Side.  VLES allows people to interact with other users by allowing them to go to virtual clubs, restaurants, concerts, etc.  It gives users the sense of being in LES without physically being there.  Users are able to interact with each other through instant messaging.

The cons of virtual worlds is that they are nothing compared to reality.  Virtual worlds takes away the true essence of real life.  It takes the simple things like running to the local deli for milk, and turns it into a click of a mouse.  Another con is the inability to see body language.  Users are only able to see their avatars and therefore unable to see their reactions through the avatars because they are hiding behind a computer screen.

However, I do believe that virtual worlds foster creativity.  Since everything is fake, users can pretty much do what ever they please in their own world.  In a way, it becomes everyone’s utopia.  I think the future of virtual worlds is going to get more

What are different ways these virtual worlds can be used? What are the pros and cons? Be specific. How do virtual worlds foster creativity? What do you think the future of virtual worlds will look like?

Posted March 23, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized

Blog About Twitter   Leave a comment

Maybe it’s just me, but I find twitter a bit confusing to use.  I know a lot of people who are IN LOVE with twitter, and update their lives constantly through ‘tweets,’ but for me, it’s just a bit confusing on how.  I feel like there’s so many little things to remember.  For example, placing the # sign in front of a category in order to be able to link back to it.  For me, I think it’s a bit of a bother to always place that # sign there.  I won’t be able to remember it!  Also, I think using a blackboard discussion is easier to carry out a discussion.  With twitter, it’s a bit hard to keep track of what EVERYONE is saying about a topic.  Although using twitter is a little more fun to use, I think using blackboard discussion is more effective in carrying out a discussion.

Posted March 17, 2011 by Diana Cheung in Uncategorized